I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend! The one thing I love most about Thanksgiving is spending time with my family. We don't get together often so its nice to spend time with them when I can. Whenever Thanksgiving comes around it makes me reflect on everything I'm thankful for. My family, my best friends, my church family, and how much I've grown as a person. I've traveled to a lot of different places over the past couple of years and God has been amazing to me. He's taken care of me and pushed me to higher heights. This past year has been full of amazing things. There were some difficult points too, but I stayed under God and trusted him. I'm not where I thought I would be but I also know that God is going to take me places I've only dreamed of.
My advice to you is don't lose sight of what God is doing for you. Lean not unto your own understanding. I moved away from home at the end of last year, and I was standing firm in the fact that I was not going to move back. That's not what I wanted to do. But, some circumstances caused me to have to move back home. I was sad and hurt about it. But, I knew that God was doing something for me that I needed even if I didn't realize it at the time. I continued to trust him and lean on him. Then I realized in me moving back I've gotten to spend more time with family, I've gotten closer with my friends, I've fallen more in love with myself, and I've spent more time doing the things I love to do. Even though I didn't want to move back slowly I began to realize why I had to. I had to live my own life and not get lost in everyone elses. So today I am grateful for everything God has done for me this year and where he's taking me. I want to know what are some things you're thankful for this year?