Quarantine Thoughts...
I ended up getting Covid last week. I went so long without getting it that when the nurse told me I was positive I sat there in shock for a few seconds. I had already taken two home tests which both came out negative before I went to the clinic to get tested. I knew something felt off after I took the second home test, but I thought it might've just been allergies or something. I wasn't expecting the test to be positive. Being quarantined I had a lot of time to sit and think. I reflected on how life has been these past few years. I remember lock down was hard on me. I'm an introvert, but I missed my friends. Then my mom ended up getting Covid so I couldn't be around her. I remember I missed hugging her. Life turned upside down so quickly. Even after lock down you had to make sure to wear a mask everywhere you went. There was so little information at first. People were dying left and right and no one knew what to do. Its crazy how fast life can change. I miss not having to worry about putting on a mask before I leave the house. I miss how life used to be before Covid happened.
However, I am grateful for some things that came as a result of Covid. My friends and I got a lot closer. We couldn't hang out all the time, but we made a schedule to call and pray together three times a week. That made being away from them a little bit easier. Also, I got two weeks off of work which was pretty nice because I needed a break. Then, my best friend and I ended up moving in together. I'm also grateful that I didn't lose anyone to Covid. I know many people have and I couldn't imagine what they must've went through. These were just some of my thoughts during my quarantine. I hope that things can get back to normal one day, but until then I'm already vaccinated and I'm keeping my mask on.