Hey ya’ll! My first blog post! Its a monumental moment. I just want to introduce myself so you guys can get to know me a little bit better. I’m 23 years old and I’m currently in school majoring in Women's Studies with a minor in creative writing. I love to encourage people and that's really the foundation of this blog. I’ll sometimes post other stuff though like if I travel somewhere or if I find an interesting topic to write about. I have traveled a lot this summer so I’ll share some of my experiences with you guys. Its been a rough year, but I truly thank God that even in the midst of it all it was also one of the best years of my life.
Last year I moved in with one of my best friends. I knew that adulting was hard but I didn’t know it was going to be HARD. I was so stressed out I didn’t even know how stressed I was. I know that sounds weird but its true. I wasn’t really eating and I was crying a lot too. But I thought I was crying because I was frustrated that I didn’t have an appetite. But really it was just a mixture of both. Either way, it took my roommate to point out that I lost a lot of weight for me to notice that I really was dropping pounds at an extremely fast pace. That’s when I finally realized how stressed I was. It took some prayer and some trust but eventually I stopped stressing and worrying and gave it to God. I felt so much better after that.
That’s when he really started doing miraculous things. This summer I traveled EVERYWHERE. From Mexico, to Tennessee, to Florida. Its been quite an adventure, and I know I'll have many more. Don’t let your worries get in the way of you living your life. Its really just all about faith. If its your desire to do something in life don’t you know that God will back you up? And maybe it won’t be in a way you expected but you have to be open to receive. Because God has big plans for each and every one of you. Stop doubting God and stop doubting yourself. Its only hindering you from reaching your full potential.
Congratulations Mercedes! I enjoyed this post and it was very encouraging.
So proud of you 😍🥰