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Be A Part of Your Own Rescue

Be a part of your own rescue is something my pastor teaches all the time. Except I didn't listen. Life was going great for a while. But I became lazy and I was procrastinating all the time. I was in a fear. I wasn't doing what I was supposed to be doing. I wasn't being a part of my own rescue. I wasn't being independent. I was causing the people around me more stress because they had to not only hold themselves up, but try to hold me up too in the process. That wasn't fair to them. No one should have to hold you up and make sure you're doing your part in life. You know what you need to be doing. Get up and do it. Otherwise, you'll look back and regret that you didn't do what you were supposed to do when you had the chance.

Life can't go backwards. You can regret the things you did or didn't do but you can't change it after its already happened. You can't take it back no matter how badly you want to. You have to decide in the moment if this is what you really want. If the answer is yes then you gotta work for it. 100%! No more doing it halfway or giving it 90%. You have to be a part of your own rescue. If you have the opportunity to go after your dreams and do what it is you want to do in life don't let procrastination and laziness be your downfall. Do what you need to do. If you end up falling on your face anyway at least you can say you gave it all you had. At least you won't have any regrets because you were actively being a part of your own rescue.

Sometimes things work out and sometimes they don't. But if you're trying and if you're doing what you need to do than you're doing a great job. You're doing the right thing. Don't give up when it gets hard. Don't stop putting the work in because you're tired. Don't shy away from your duties because you're scared. Do it anyway! I don't want you all to look back and feel like you screwed everything up. I want you all to look back and be proud of all the work you put in. Be a part of your own rescue. Sometime life gets hard. Don't use that as an excuse to stop. Use it as fuel to go even harder. I want you guys to be successful in everything you do. To live life with no regrets. To get everything you desire out of life. I don't want you guys to have to learn the hard way. Trust me the hard way is not fun. It hurts. but that's what happens when you're not being obedient. God has to find a way for you to listen so sometimes you have to knock your head. But don't worry. He's still there for you. He's still going to love on you. You're still special to him.

Be a part of your own rescue. You can't afford not to.


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